Story: Before 9/11 and Lockerbie, one brutal attack shook the world and inspired a new era of global terrorism. The hijacking of Pan Am Flight 73 in Karachi in 1986 is a story of terror and tragedy, but also a story of bravery and survival – one which could have been incalculably worse were it not for the actions of a group of rookie flight attendants and a Pan Am employee on the ground who risked his life negotiating with the hijackers. Set in a gripping geopolitical landscape, this feature length documentary plays like a thriller, with first-hand testimony from passengers, the flight crew and negotiators, accompanied by dramatic reconstruction.

Filming: We filmed in two complete different location, we had a real plane on an Airfield, witch needed lots of work because it was in deteriorating conditions. We used it for all our exterior  and part of the interior shoots. It required lots of fixing more then Designing I have to say. There were many missing items that we couldn’t trace  and we had to recreate. Then we had an amazing location, a place of wonder, were the interior of the place was built completely , area by area. The challenge was to keep the look 1986, and I think we all did a great job, but most of all the DOP did an incredible work with his lighting and skills.

Never underestimate a Director of Photography they are your best friends.